Epictetus Quotes That Will Inspire You to Overcome Any Obstacle.



Epictetus was a Greek philosopher who lived from 50-135 CE. He was born into slavery in Hierapolis, Phrygia (present-day Turkey), but was eventually granted his freedom and went on to become one of the most influential Stoic philosophers of his time.

Epictetus believed that the ultimate goal of life was to live in harmony with nature, and that this could be achieved through the practice of virtue and the cultivation of wisdom. He taught that external circumstances were beyond our control, but that we could control our thoughts and reactions to them, and that doing so was the key to achieving inner peace and happiness.

Epictetus's teachings were recorded by his student, Arrian, in a collection of works known as the "Discourses" and the "Enchiridion" (or "Handbook"). These texts have been widely read and studied throughout the centuries, and have had a profound impact on philosophy, ethics, and spirituality.

One of Epictetus's most famous teachings is the concept of the "dichotomy of control," which holds that there are things within our control (such as our thoughts and actions) and things outside of our control (such as external events and other people's actions). He argued that we should focus only on what is within our control, and accept the rest with equanimity.

Epictetus's teachings have had a lasting influence on many notable figures throughout history, including Marcus Aurelius, the Roman emperor and philosopher, and James Stockdale, the American naval officer and Vietnam War hero. His ideas continue to be studied and applied in modern philosophy, psychology, and self-help literature, and his emphasis on the importance of inner peace and resilience remains as relevant today as it was in ancient times.

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